20 jun 2016

La sociedad mira a las empresas sociales con esperanza

La sociedad  mira  a las empresas sociales con esperanza y  las instituciones europeas depositan  toda su confianza en ellas, como mecanismos de amortiguación a los problemas sociales y medioambientales a los que tendremos que hacer frente, en un futuro no lejano.


¿Qué es una empresa social? Muhammad Yunus, Premio Nobel de la Paz y pionero en la creación de empresas sociales,  las define como negocios autosostenibles, sin pérdidas ni dividendos, que cumplen con objetivos sociales y medioambientales dentro de las economías de mercado.

Punto informativo en el Ayuntamiento de Málaga

The overall aim of the project is in accordance with one of the primary objectives for K2 Strategic Partnerships for Youth: - Promoting entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people The specific objectives are: Ø To develop creative thinking, innovation, employability (soft) skills, financial  management, strategic planning and entrepreneurial skills of youth workers. Ø To create a training module on how to develop, validate and implement social  entrepreneurial projects and enterprises. Ø To work with and train mentors in how they can support young people in developing  entrepreneurial paths. Ø To explore practical ways of supporting young people and NGO set up social  enterprises, taking into consideration legal, financial, management and social requirements. Ø To create new tools and methods designed to develop entrepreneurial skills among  young people. Ø To provide young people with a platform where they can exchange experience and  expertise in the field of social entrepreneurship. Ø To develop solidarity, promote tolerance and foster mutual understanding between  generations and cultures by creating a common platform for development that includes a wide variety of generations and cultures