Fields of
Activity: Human rights, International/Cultural
relations, Youth and education and Equal
opportunities, Gender and environmental sustainability, and sports.
Coordinación del proyecto GRUNDTVIG2: COMPACT
Competencias Activas
Elaboración del Portafolio de Competencias
Paises: Francia, España, Italia, Noruega, Austria, Hungria 2005-2006
Coordinación del proyecto GRUNDTVIG2: CULTURAL
La herencia cultural entre pueblos en una Europa Unida
Paises: Rumania, España, Italia, Polonia, Bulgaria. 2006-2007
Coordinación del proyecto GRUNDTVIG2: TURESPA
Teaching English to foreing people abroad
Paises: España, Turquia, Rumania, 2007-2009
Coordinación del proyecto: LEONARDO: SUSDEV
Escuela Europea de desarrollo sostenible
Paises: Alemania, Inglaterra y España. 2010-2012
Coordinación del proyecto: LEONARDO: VETS FOR GATS
Guía para formadores de personas con capacidades múltiples
Paises: Grecia, Alemania, Turquia, Lithuania,
Polonia, España 2011-2013
Coordinación del proyecto: GRUNTVIG: MISSIONGATE
work: the mission in life as a gate-opener to business world.
Países: España, Italia, Bulgaria,
Holanda y Hungria.
Organización del Festival Internacional de poesía:
Es un festival poético-artístico sin fines de lucro convocado
por el Movimiento Mujeres Poetas
Internacional MPI, inc. Grito de Mujer es celebrado durante todo el mes de
marzo desde el 1 hasta el 31 en distintos países del mundo, siendo responsabilidad de GEMS, la
organización en Málaga. Este festival tiene como objetivo reunir a hombres
y mujeres poetas en diversos países, para rendir un merecido tributo a la mujer
y contribuir socialmente llevando mensajes de autoestima y respeto en favor de
la mujer, además de mensajes contra la violencia por una cultura de paz.
Esta es una causa solidaria en la que hombres y mujeres se
unen en homenaje a la literatura, las artes contemporáneas y en contra de la
violencia por una cultura de paz.
PROYECTOS 2015-2017
- ELMAG, European project
- Project: Electromagnetic Pollution by Installations for Electricity Production, Transmission Lines, Substations, Transport Intra and Inter Cities and Appliances
- 2015 – 1 – RO01 – KA202 - 015014
- Through this project with a duration of two years, we aim to improve at a European dimension the quality of professional competencies and personal skills of our students, by bringing into attention the phenomenon of electromagnetic pollution and its implications on the environment and studying ways to reduce its effects, through developing partnerships with European schools, companies and social partners, towards a successful integration on the labor market.
- 360 Degrees Entrepreneurship
- Project Duration: 01/09/2015 – 01/09/2017
- Overall Goal and Objectives
- Through "360 Degrees Entrepreneurship", young people will benefit from the combination of
- the knowledge of universities, the experience of NGOs, and mentors and trainers with
- experience and knowledge in establishing and sustaining new businesses. The focus on social
- entrepreneurship will also motivate young people to think not only about their own
- employability in creating their businesses, but also on how they can be relevant to society
- and provide employability opportunities to their peers as well, creating a ripple effect of
- entrepreneurship and employability. They will also be trained as entrepreneurship educators
- themselves, so that their influence can extent beyond
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