19 dic 2013


En enero iniciaremos un viaje solidario a ETHIOPIA, visitaremos varias tribus del sur y en el norte, en WRUKO visitaremos  Sant Mary college, 

Llevaremos material escolar y medicinas, cualquier aportación será bienvenida.

6 comentarios:

  1. África es un maravilloso continente que aun tiene muchas cosas por descubrir, acercarnos a el, es acercarnos el misterio, la naturaleza, el origen de la vida.

  2. Education in Ethiopia
    Education in Ethiopia has been dominated by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church for many centuries until secular education was adopted in the early 1900s. Prior to 1974, Ethiopia had an estimated illiteracy rate well above 90% and compared poorly with the rest of Africa in the provision of schools and universities. After 1974 revolution, emphasis was placed on increasing literacy in rural areas. Practical subjects were stressed, as was the teaching of socialism. Education received roughly 13% of the national budget in 1992. By 1995 the rate of illiteracy had dropped substantially to 64.5%. Projected adult illiteracy rates for the year 2003 even lower at 61.3% (males, 56.1%; females, 66.6%). As of 1999, public expenditure on education was estimated at 4.3% of GDP.The current system follows very similar school expansion schemes to the rural areas as the previous 1980s system with an addition of deeper renationalisation giving rural education in their own languages starting at the elementary level. The sequence of general education in Ethiopia is eight years of primary school, two years of lower secondary school and two years of higher secondary school.

  3. School System
    Formal education is composed of six years of elementary school, two years of junior elementary, and four years of senior secondary. Most children start school at age five. An average class size is 65 students per teacher, and few school supplies are available to each student; for example schools lack pens, books, paper, and most schools don't even have water or useable toilets. The society of Ethiopia expects teachers and parents to use corporal punishment to maintain order and discipline. They believe that through punishing children for bad habits they in turn learn good ones.

  4. The Effect of Educational System on Children
    The poor education the children receive places them at a disadvantage. They fall behind other African countries in acquiring basic academic skills such as reading, writing, and math. The curriculum of the school is not organized and attendance also follows this unorganized trend. Attendance is not compulsary and as a result there is a low literacy rate. Since supplies are so rare and education is not available to everyone, children often become frustrated and drop out. Children in Ethiopia who receive education are lucky and privileged. Social awareness that education is important is something that Ethiopia lacks. Most people in Ethiopia feel that work is more important than education, so they start at a very early age with little to no education. Children in rural areas are less likely to go to school than children in urban areas. Most rural families cannot afford to send their children to school because parents believe that while their children are in school they cannot contribute to the household chores and income.

  5. Government Involvement in Education
    Education in Ethiopia changed tremendously since the 1800's because the government has made an attempt to improve children's education. Formal education began in 1908. Misguided policies caused very few children to receive an education. As a result Ethiopia did not meet the Educational standards of other African countries. After Ethiopia gained independence, they tried to improve the school system by building more schools and enrolling more children in school. Literacy and enrollment rates were still low, so the government revised its curriculum and made education more practical and relevant to children's lives. In the past rural children were at a disadvantage because schools were limited to towns and roadside villages, so the government took action and built new schools close to the communities. The government also started the National Literacy Campaign Coordinating Committee in 1979 to raise literacy rates, and officials distributed more than 22 million reading booklets for beginners causing enrollment rates to increase from 2.5 million to 4.9 million. The government is trying to make improvements in the educational system in Ethiopia, however these changes are occuring at a very slow rate.

  6. Improvements to be made in Ethiopian Educational System
    Before the educational system in Ethiopia gets better, there are many factors that need to be addressed and improved. Ethiopia must change the importance of education in their social structure, and children should be encouraged and required to attend school and become educated. This would not only improve the level of awareness in the country and the opportunity for advancement but also it would improve many other aspects of Ethiopian society.
