24 sept 2017

Project Reference: 2016-3-ES02-KA105-009043

The main aim of "Be Cyclist Friendly" youth exchange is to raise awareness and create space for learning and sharing experiences among
youngsters coming from Spain, Hungary, Croatia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine. During this project youngsters will discuss and raise awareness on inter-cultural understanding, protective environment, healthy lifestyle. We will be using social media tools to promote this project among wide audience, by sharing stories, videos and pictures. The objectives we will try to achieve are as follows:
1. Fostering mutual understanding and inter- cultural learning, thus minimizing stereotypes and prejudices
2. Learning blogging, graphical designing, video and poster production
3. Raising awareness on environmental issue
4. Empowering participants with knowledge and competencies to actively take part in society
5. Experience education through non-formal methods
6. To promote Erasmus+ programme opportunities that participants can use in their future
The main needs that are addressed in this project are: Intercultural understanding among young people in europe, raising tolerance
and solidarity, using new methods and tools for sharing the information and learning, promoting healthy lifestyle, learning about
protecting our environment, enhancing life skills and competences among young people to support growth and innovation for the
future of european community.
Groups of 6 participants plus one group leader will be representing partner country. Project will be organized during JULY
2017 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The daily programe is designed for 7 working days plus 2 travel days. Using non-formal education methods we will
offer participants wide variety of interactive workshops, presentations and discussions. 

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